Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Review of Instant Expert: Ancient History: Egypt DVD

I purchased this DVD, finding it at Fry's Electronics for the least expensive price.  It's a very good DVD!  I would really like to see them make more.

Originally submitted at AETN
HISTORY introduces INSTANT EXPERT, an exciting new line of titles offering on-the-spot knowledge to students and lifelong learners on a wide variety of topics. Long before the Romans built their first mud huts, ancient Egypt's mighty pharaohs began commissioning and building monumental masterpi...

By genealotech from Mesa, Arizona, USA on 8/2/2011
5out of 5
Pros: Entertaining, Informative, Great Cinematography, High Production Value
Cons: Poor Tech Explanation
Best Uses: Middle school students
Describe Yourself: Movie Buff
This is a fantastic video showcasing the Pharaohs who didn't just exist, but made engineering history with their monuments. The pyramids are only part of the story. Very well done, and with a DVD quiz to review some of the points. There is a booklet included with the DVD containing a brief summary, additional discussion questions and internet links for further research.

The one drawback that I saw was the use of engineering terms without giving a basic explanation of it's meaning and how it worked. Engineering An Empire did a better job.

I'm hopeful they will make more!

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